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I accuse Dustin in the Billiard Room with the Lead Pipe!

If that title’s any indication, I’m starting a new play called ‘Clue’. It’s better than Monopoly…trust me.

It’s a farce! Think if Airplane! and Murder on the Orient Express had a love child.

I’ll be swinging this show! For those less theater inclined, that does not mean I will be mixing and mingling intimately with several partners. But if Professor Plum, Mr, Green, or the other ensemble men go out for any reason, I’m in. So lots to learn, and a good chance to see the show from many different angles, so I’m stoked!

We open…*checks watch*…in 2 weeks!

Ez peazie. Who dunnit? Find out at the Engeman Theater in Long Island, NY!

We run until October 27, 2024, with a possible extension until November 3. Even if I’m not on, please come see it- the cast is absolutely hilarious and you’ll be dying [from laughter]!

Get tix here:



Singer  /  Actor  /  Dancer

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